Dear Distinguished Professors, Researchers and Students:
The technology can be based on research and domestic development or foreign origin. In any case, it is necessary to manage development and transmission process. Innovation is development factor for the developed countries and regret factor for developing countries. Nowadays, the technology has an important role in improvement of people’s life. So it is necessary to benefit from ideas and experiences of industrial and academic elites for strengthening the production and industry cycle on Science and engineering. Using new achievements for localization and applying engineering new technologies are important requirement in the world. The necessity of attention to these applied elements can be considered as bases of the national gross product for export to regional and global countries. Therefore, ever-increasing support of the technology can make the county to an important one by increasing the fertility and self-confidence. It is obvious that development and civil will occur when scientific and practical infrastructures exist. These infrastructures should be executed by universities, engineering organizations and other executive organs. In this regard and after holding the 1st , 2nd & 3rd Conference successfully, organizing the 4th.International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering at Tabriz Islamic Art University shall be considered as an opportunity for interchanging information, presenting new findings and bringing together experts, philosophers, academics, politicians, managers, interested and concerned organization, consulting engineers and interested peoples on Engineering, Science and Humanities. In this conference, it is possible to interchange and contact with universities and professional institutes of the country and the world about common concepts of Science, Engineering and other subjects related to the topics of the conference. So the secretariat of the 4th.International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering is pleasant to invite all specialists, experts, students, researchers and scholars of industrial, scientific and research centers to participate in different programs of the conference and present their latest practical and scientific achievements.